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Bennett Elementary School

Giving from the Heart, for the Heart: How Bennett Elementary Students Became Heart Heroes

Bennett Elementary students were challenged to become a “Heart Hero” by participating in the American Heart Association’s “Kids Heart Challenge” for the month of February. Students reached out to family and friends for donations and brought in nearly $7,000 with Kindergarten raising over $2,000.
Students were taught about healthy habits for a healthy heart, and were encouraged to do things like exercise every day, choose water over sugary drinks and do a good deed for somebody. They also had the opportunity to raise money for the AHA and become a Heart Hero for a child in need.
“I’m so proud of our Bennett Tigers,” Coach Keely Perkins said. “Students worked hard raising money online and asking family and friends for donations.”
Kindergarten student, Paisley Evans, was the top fundraiser for the school with over $500. When asked why she thought it was important to help, she said everyone deserves to play.
“I don’t like that some kids can’t play things like hide and seek or freeze tag because their hearts are sick,” Evans said. “Every kid loves to play!”
Over 100 kinder students took on their teachers in a game of Tiger Ball and celebrated their success as the winning class by throwing and dodging balls in the gym.
Bennett’s top fundraisers are listed below:
Paisley Evans – 
Journi Harris – $390
Nixon Bingham – $350
Lily Adams – $276
Emerson Williams – $220
Skylor Patterson – $220

Congratulations Bennett Tigers! Way to give back and help others in need!