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Bennett Elementary School

Mrs. Davis

Welcome to fifth grade!  I enjoy teaching Reading, Writing, and being a part of such an amazing school here at Bennett!  My goal this year is to create a love for reading, in hopes that students will become life-long readers.  I am married and have three children. I graduated from East Texas Baptist University in 2002 and began my teaching career, which includes having taught second through fifth grades.  I look forward to working alongside families to help students become successful and have further growth during their fifth-grade year! 
 7:45 Tardy Bell
7:45 Lunch Count, Announcements, Pledges
8:00-9:00 Intervention
12:20-12:40 Recess
12:45-1:15 Lunch
2:20-3:15 Specials
3:15 Dismissal